Business etiquette
Etiam ultrices orci leo, et feugiat eros tristique et. Proin lorem ipsum dolor glavrida ligula justo, iaculis quis ornare in, tempus id purus. Vestibulum et metus nulla.
DetallesEtiam ultrices orci leo, et feugiat eros tristique et. Proin lorem ipsum dolor glavrida ligula justo, iaculis quis ornare in, tempus id purus. Vestibulum et metus nulla.
DetallesHitrices orci leo, et feugiat eros tristique et. Proin ligula iaculis quis ornare id purus. Vestib etus atiam gravida felis nec ullam corper sem.
DetallesVamos a empezar nuevos cursos de ingles juridico y preparacion de el examen de ILEC a partir de Septiembre. Nuestro cursos son en nuestro despacho en el centro de Madrid (8 Villanueva 1 Izquierda) muy cerca el colegio de abogados. contacte con nosotros ahora en
Estamos muy contentas anunciar nuevos cursos de ingles juridico en Madrid a partir de Septiembre. Nuestro cursos son cursos de Cambridge ILEC, cursos intensivo y particulares. Vamos a anunciar fechas de inicio pronto. Para expresar su interés por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a
Don’t miss our upcoming 2 day course of ‘ingles juridico’ – legal english for lawyers from other jurisdictions taking place in Madrid between 20-21 July. There are still places available, book early to avoid disappointment! See link to full details here:
DetallesLegal English in Madrid – Two Day Oral and Written Seminar The seminar is intended to help you improve both your written and oral skills in Legal English. The focus of the written skills element of the seminar is legal writing with particular emphasis on contract drafting and legal terminology. The oral element will be orientated…
DetallesAre you thinking about doing a legal english course? English solicitor and Legal English trainer James Stephenson considers some the benefits of studying for the ILEC (International Legal English Certificate) below. At learnenglish4law we are a language school run by English lawyers and legal english trainers, which is focused exclusively on legal english training. As…
DetallesLegal English workshop in Madrid during March and April 2013. Learning the language and use of law through mock trials in criminal, employment and civil law. Workshop in conjunction with